Aldergrove Minor Hockey Constitution and Bylaws





The name of the Society is the “Aldergrove Minor Hockey Association”, hereinafter referred to as “The Society”


The purposes of the Society are:


  1. To encourage and foster amongst its members sportsmanship and good fellowship; to maintain and increase an interest in amateur hockey; to have and exercise a general care, supervision and direction of all players and members who are members of this Association; and to assist all others interested in amateur hockey, to endeavour to treat each and every person equally within the association.
  2. To coordinate members, players and teams to maintain harmony and justice.
  3. To assist members, players and teams to obtain the necessary facilities, equipment and training.
  4. To assist members, players and teams to obtain necessary finances.
  5. To assist members, players and teams to organize league competitions and tournaments.
  6. To provide guidance and formulate an effective hockey program.
  7. To operate and control minor hockey within Aldergrove, British Columbia