The Hockey Canada Safety Program utilizes a proactive, preventative, common sense approach to keeping our children safe. The goal of the program is for the safety people to implement effective risk management programs with their own teams where player safety is the first priority at all times, both on and off the ice.
The team safety person:
- Must conduct regular checks of players’ equipment.
- Is responsible for promoting proper warm up and conditioning techniques as a form of injury prevention.
- Coordinates plans for road trips, tournaments, etc. and assists in the overall supervision of the team.
- Establishes medical history files on every player and carries these files and the team first aid kit on every outing.
- Implements an Emergency Action Plan for the team
- Manages all injuries, learns to recognize serious injuries and refers injured players to qualified professionals.
- Must assume a leadership role in promoting the values of safety, fair play and integrity.
Hockey Canada HCSP Resource Downloads
Information about being an HCSP
Register for an HCSP Clinic
Was your player injured during a practice or game?
The Hockey Canada Insurance Program provides supplemental assistance to BC Hockey members for injuries incurred during hockey sanctioned activities. Mandatory/Voluntary participation can depend upon your Branch affiliation and level of play.
For information on making a claim, please visit here.
Hockey Canada Insurance Brochure
Hockey Canada Injury Report
Hockey Canada Return To Play Form
Safety Requires Teamwork & Safety For All
Commonly Asked Questions