Team Official Qualifications

All individuals who are interested in Volunteering as a Team Official with the Aldergrove Minor Hockey Association (AMHA) for the upcoming hockey season (2021/22) are required to complete certifications as outlined below prior to being rostered to a team.  

These are BC Hockey requirements and we encourage you to get your certifications completed PRIOR to the start of the season where ever possible.

What team positions require certification?
*Coach/Assistant Coach - please visit the Coaching page for more detailed information on the additional courses required

What certification are required to be a team official in AMHA?
As per BC Hockey, each and every team official, regardless of their level, is required to hold valid certifications as follows:

  • Criminal Record Check (CRC).  This is required every three years.  There is no cost.  The Criminal Records Review Program has made numerous changes to the process in order to enforce a streamlined submission procedure for all organizations. Fortunately, applicants can complete this process online. Please see details below:

There is a new applicant-based online service (eCRC) using the BC Services Card as Electronic Identity Verification (EIV). If the applicant is using the BC Services Card to access the online service for first time, they will be directed to activate their card by video or in person through Service BC.

Upon completing your CRC online, all applicants must provide the AMHA Registrar with a copy of their service #. Please either print the page, screenshot, or copy and paste this service # and email to including your full name and DOB. If you are unable to complete your CRC online, please click contact our Registrar.

  • Respect in Sport - ACTIVITY LEADER (RIS).  This is required every five years.  It is an online course that AMHA will reimburse you for provided complete the course and you are rostered to a team.  To register for RIS, visit here.
  • Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT).  Currently, there is no expiry date on this course.  It is available online and is free.  To register for CATT, visit here.

All of these courses must be complete and current prior to the start of the season.

What do I do if I do not have an HCR (Hockey Canada) profile?
If you have never played minor hockey or been a team official before, you will likely not have your own HCR profile.  Please do not register for courses under your players name but rather email the registrar with your full name, date of birth, mailing address, contact number and email address and we will set this up BEFORE you begin your certifications.  Your profile will be created and then you will be provided with your HCR number to move forward with your certifications.

What is the HCSP and what is involved?
To be an Hockey Canada Safety Person, an extra online course is required.  Every team requires a safety person in order to be eligible to practice and play games.  To register to take the course, please visit BC Hockey Clinics.

What happens next?  How do I help out my team?
Once your player is on a team for the season, approach your Coach and let them know that you are willing to help out for the season as a team official.  If a position is available, your information will then be submitted to AMHA by the Head Coach or Manager for rostering.  All certifications must be completed in order to be eligible to be rostered.  And you must be rostered to be eligible for any role on a team.

Is there a cost to be certified?
The CRC and the CATT program are free of charge.  Both the Respect in Sport and the HCSP course do come with a small cost.  AMHA will reimburse team officials for these costs once they are rostered to a team and a proper reimbursement request has been submitted.

How do I go about getting reimbursed for a certification?
If you took a Clinic during the 2021/22 Season and are rostered to an AMHA team, you will be reimbursed upon CERTIFICATION.  If you have a receipt for Respect in Sport or HCSP or a Coaching Clinic you can submit the receipt directly to the Registrar on or after October 15th of each season.  In your submission, you will be asked to include...

  • Name,  Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Clinic Certificate of Completion, Dated Receipt

*Once a reimbursement request is received, AMHA will confirm that you are rostered to an AMHA team.  AMHA will send e-transfers for all reimbursements of clinic costs.

You MUST have a valid Criminal Record Check (CRC), Respect in Sport (RIS), and Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)  Hockey BEFORE AMHA will roster you to a team.

*This information is subject to change.